Sunday 26 July 2015

Recognizing who you are!

Happiness is one word that doesn't belong to me anymore. Each passing day adds on to the debris of the past and fills my heart with nothing but soothing emptiness. I know you must be wondering how emptiness can be soothing but trust me, once you get used to immense pain, every word of compassion works like a Dagger on your soul. You get so numb that nothing moves you but pain. Sudden emergence of happiness in itself feels weird because being happy is not what I expect after getting used to turmoil.

Its a difficult game you know;  Running away from reality, hiding under the cloak of pain and shadows. For some it is cowardice but for some this is a way of connecting with others. Everyone has got a different view to this. Sometimes, in order to find peace from within you need to hide from the constant attacks of the demons: On the inside as well as outside. The worst form of all is the constant dripping of the eyes as an aftermath of a bruised heart. Confusion arises when the fate of the heart is decided with the intervention of the brain. As long as they both work, conflicts bring to the downfall of the soul. At such stage one thing that can save you is the realisation that nothing in this world is more precious than what you are and what you've been all this while. Its the feeling of immortality that paces the soul.

And how do people achieve it? By moving into their caves. No, not the literal meaning but going away from what we call as our every day routine. Lesser interactions with civilisation and deeper conversation with nature. Often such people are termed as 'mad men'. Its very rarely that we realise that these are the real saints looking for peace from within. The definition of peace is so vast and magnificent that words fail to describe it. It means contentment, it also means harmony and love amongst each other. It means freedom of the heart and soul, it also means the acts of compassion from a lover. Infinite meanings to this one tiny little word and yet so much to achieve.

Only acceptance can make you get what you desire. It makes all the odds fall into the right pieces. Instead of closing eyes to harsh reality and struggling through this rush, patience provides courage to endeavour the gains of love. Knowing ones limits and responsibilities, fulfilling them brings peace similar to holding your first child in your hands, when you kiss them on their heads. Its all about  recognising who you are and what you want to be because it is the only thing that leads us always from fossils and men's greed!

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